
Ocean Commons will enhance the Ocean Township community in significant ways. Benefits of the current proposal include:

A Better Alternative

The site is privately owned with current zoning that allows for extensive commercial development and associated residential uses. As a result, the property will not remain in its current condition. The Ocean Commons proposal is a better alternative than what could be built “as of right” because it proposes fewer housing units, less office space and less commercial development, thereby enhancing the community.

Parks & Greenery

Approximately 1/3 of the site will remain green and open-space and will include special amenities for the community’s benefit, including outdoor seating, an open area for charity and community events, and a dog park. Beautiful landscaping will highlight historic elements of the site, such as the artesian well that will be maintained on the property. We are also in communication with the Ocean Township Environmental Commission and we are committed to working with them throughout this process.

Traffic Improvements

The existing zoning allows for a much higher density development that would generate 2-3 more times traffic to the area. The intersection of Deal Road/Route 35 is currently a failed intersection that is crowded and difficult to maneuver even during off-peak travel hours. However, the Ocean Commons proposes significant traffic improvements to make travel through this area, especially at the Deal Road/Route 35 intersection, more efficient and safer than it is today. Improvements include:

  • Recent revisions to the plan include the addition of an access drive aisle to the residential units from Route 35 and the commercial section of the property. This will alleviate traffic to Deal Rd/Logan both in the AM and PM.
  • Recent revisions also add a one-way access point to the Library property from our Deal Rd traffic controlled intersection. Ideally, the left turn into the existing Library entrance on Deal Rd would be eliminated to help the congestion in that area that exists currently.
  • Addition of a lane to Deal Rd from Logan all the way to Rt 35.
  • Addition of a dedicated right turn lane on Deal Rd for cars to head north onto Rt 35.
  • Construction of a new jug handle on the parcel to create a safer and better flowing traffic pattern.
  • Addition of a two-way Drive aisle to the southern portion of the property connecting Logan and 35 to alleviate congestion to Deal Rd.

Economic Benefits

The proposal will create hundreds of local jobs and generate hundreds of thousands of dollars in new tax revenue as the result of the increased property, sales and hotel tax revenue that will be collected to help support vital Township services. The proposed age-targeted townhomes are intended to provide a quality living experience to empty nesters or mid-career professionals who wish to stay in Ocean Township without the high maintenance of a single-family home. Therefore, the project will add to the tax base without straining schools or township services.

Convenient Amenities

The Ocean Commons proposal will enhance our community with convenient retail and service amenities in high demand and will include outdoor seating, an open area for charity and community events, and a dog park.