Dear Township Council,
I respectfully urge your strong support for the Ocean Commons proposal. This quality proposal will bring a vibrant and new mix of uses to our community, including unique service oriented retailers, quality dining experiences, and age-targeted townhomes for a true town center residents can be proud of. The proposal will also promote economic development by creating hundreds of local jobs and generating significant tax revenue without straining schools or township services.
By-right, the current zoning of the 32-acre privately-owned site allows for 197,750 SF of retail and 100 units of housing. The Ocean Commons proposal requests a much smaller project that incorporates community feedback and now includes approximately 40,000 SF of retail, 68 age-targeted townhomes, and a premier Extended Stay hotel.
Approximately 1/3 of the site will remain green and open space with community amenities including outdoor seating, an open area for charity and community events, and a dog park. The project will also bring significant traffic improvements to address pre-existing traffic challenges and safety concerns, especially at the failed intersection of Deal Road/Route 35. Added lanes on Deal Road as well as a dedicated quarter-mile turn lane will make the intersection more efficient and safer than it is today.
I support this proposal for the reasons stated herein and urge the Council’s support to bring it to fruition.